((all of the information taken from his wikipedia page.))
"amy" cowles.in 1999 mr. roof re-marrried a woman called paige mann which he divorced after ten years of marriage.
until roof stopped attending classes in 2010 he went to at least seven schools in two different SC counties.
after dropping out he spent most of his time playing video games, surfing the internet or smoking (once getting caught spending money on marijuana).
roofs interest in blacks-whites and their conflicts turned into a passionate hate for the black race, the development being obvious by the pictures
he took of himself (posing with the confederate flag).
he had been arrested two times before the big event happened.
for a bible study for around 45 minutes before getting up, pulling out his glock 41 he was hiding in his pants and shooting nine people dead.
he kept one specific lady alive so she could "tell the story". he was captured two days later.
his current location is usp terre haute in indiana, incarcerated on death row.
update january 2020: roof appeals death sentence, stating he was "schizophrenic" at the time of the trial for his death sentence.
personally, i totally understand and support dylann and what he did. he must have had a reason why he'd do what he did.
black people do not deserve rights. if they get treated just a bit worse than someone else they always blame
it on their skin color. blacks are stupid. slaves. their characteristics are awful. kill them all. bring back someone like
adolf hitler. there should be a race war, the white race would win anyways. FUCK BLACKS AND FREE DYLANN ROOF.